Security risks Of the QR and how to avoid them

Perhaps the popularity of Atshaddam Alkio R code in the Western world in particular continues to grow it easier for people to learn more about the product and find out much information about it, simply P Alkio Arcod is a new generation of bar code, it is sufficient that the user is available on a smartphone and a program of work of the Survey of Q-R On order to be able to extract information about where the production of the product, price of the real place of its production date of the expiration of his powers .... Etc..
Here things are all very ordinary and spin at best, but with the increased use of this topic technical Valhakrz also can you create posters of the QR code containing links to malicious programs based Belsagaha in products found in any supermarket and you see a high demand it, the goal of this topic posters is a breakthrough smartphone and access to sensitive data, as we know with increasing the scope of the use of a smartphone (iPhone, Alandroed, Windows iPhone ...) uses the phone moved from the traditional use of answering calls and sending messages to surfing the Internet and through the purchase sites ... Etc., which makes the goal of a hacker to penetrate the smartphone is access to the data sensitive, only after the victim takes a picture of the QR code, where it may be Tugeah to the site of a malignant or injected directly into php to malignant cell phone, which would make him inevitably into the hands of a hacker, for this by the state must pick up a picture of the QR code to make sure that the label is a function of the product and any product Aotafr more than R Alkio On one ignored

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Handsome William Levy .. From poor to destitute sexy star, this is the amazing journey .......!!

 No doubt that the participation of Cuban handsome actor and TV series King William Levy in the program
"Dancing with the Stars" caused a sensation and increased his popularity and especially in the United States
Where he appeared this week in full and accompanied by attractive Samth and charming smile that capture the hearts
On the cover of one of the most important technical journals in the United States and the world, magazine "People".
Occur and handsome in this special issue of the magazine great pleasure to accept the fortune of the party
The public in the United States and Mexico and other Latin countries and the world.
He also spoke about his journey and the beginning of his career and his childhood "hard", which he spent in Cuba before his country to think
Migration at a later time to the United States, where his life changed, and how a shift from a poor young man destitute
Star to talk about it all.
And for his sons Christopher (six years) and Kailey (two years) the result of its relationship with the Mexican actress
Elizabeth Gutiérrez, said he was trying to give them everything, love is in addition to material things
And all the amenities that were lacking in their presence in his childhood.
And had the magazine "People" that William Levy is the most attractive men and raise
Currently at the level of television.
~ ~ ~ ~
Handsome on the cover of "People" magazine edition of the U.S. this week"William Levy of the destitute poor to the exciting star, this is the amazing journey":

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Freedom of expression and a means or an end? With or against?

Freedom of expression is really confusing term as its clarity, can be reassuring to describe Balillabih or at least the term loosely and interpreted in different ways. I am not here to tell the history and geography of this term but we can and we're talking about in an incident specific to say that freedom of expression is not the rowing which affects ignorance or deliberately, or sacred values ​​formed the conscience of a range of people, ...

Freedom of expression has become an important part in a detailed system of human rights can no longer be ignored, especially as the world was able through a series of events and incidents of totalitarian regimes, which buried the muzzle of course thought of trust which carries on this freedom and control over the means available in the keys.
Here is the paradox surprising freedom of expression, which is the core of human rights turned into an instrument of oppression of those rights when they come for reasons that anti-logic of the anti-human rights, it is the human right recognized, as well as Christian and Jewish and Buddhist to preserve his beliefs sacred and specifically his religion of the futility of fanatics and snappy ignorant, and standing the freedom of expression without approaching the banks of those beliefs, which was founded by his conscience and ways of living and way of life. Muslim philosopher Garaudy Please come to search deep and sober conclusions related to the so-called myths of Israel and issued in the book was confiscated on the spot in France's secular and led the man to the courtroom, let alone for defamation by the addition of interest to stick to what Allah has sent down by the Sultan.
English historian and researcher David Oervyna succeeded to search deep and sober over a decade in the contest and refute the figures advanced by the World Zionist Holocaust was his share of arrest and trial in Austria secular and thrown in jail for three years ...Danish newspaper published cartoons of the Prophet Hazrat upon him blessings and peace was recognized by its Editorial Board has refused to publish drawings about a year are not consistent and the novel Zionism for the Holocaust.

These are just examples and there are dozens of stories about the procedures carried out by the United States, Britain and France for the stone on the freedom of expression for reasons she related to national security and there are provisions in their laws give the government the right to control the outlets of expression public at the time of war or when a state is exposed to a hazard.
Freedom of expression is in fact a way reflects the individual and the community about the need to correct the conceptual or alert to faulty organizational life of the individual or the group. Have been grown by the idea of ​​specialization or monopoly in the infinite variety of writers, journalists, poets and political organizations of political parties, unions, etc..
If it should be turned into a very apprehensive of implied, especially as the balance of possibilities remain infected with the ability disorder, for example Valalh Western media have the potential and technical capabilities, and a tremendous human can ban Halal and Haram analysis according to the Mstahedvadtha .. We follow-through on the evidence stand countless lies that .. since Nazi Goebbels, not by the end of the Balerajiv Souktha America for aggression on Mesopotamia.

Freedom of expression inherent right for all humans use the right for good so if the benefit to the scorn and inferiority in any matter has carried on the harboring other meanings contrary to what the first sign of conflict with individual freedom which require disclosure cornered logic.
The encroachment on the right most would bless his name or which religions or the prophets and messengers is deficit shown by the elderly are mainly after a mirage far, not freedom of expression here, but like Almhjb On the other hand is gaining economic boycott of products exported by countries such as Denmark, the legality of expression as well, but here are located in the box means to prevent extravagance befitting the dignity of the human ... As is said to be a double-edged weapon, and freedom of expression is also a weapon one can use it to do good and benefit the people and stay in the ground, as it can be used in the logic of evil which loses the right tool to Viholoa criminal terrorist killed, God forbid

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Is the virtual world has become a reality ..?!

Was at the time of the Stone Age related friend his friend through two cups tied by a thread .. Was the channel is just a thread ..Expanded writing became a means by mail channel called .. Even in modern times and through expanded and modern civil transport the car just became a channel .. Channel is is a spirit embodied in the path or real .. But the most important question Is there a link between the real world and virtual world?In the age of the ages, we believe that the virtual world is just dreams or nightmares realized or not realized .. Ktar fly in the sky is located where he wanted.In our time, bringing the virtual world is just social networks (Facebook and Twitter) associated with the real world via the Internet .. Vtnaqlt freedom and love and expanded between these two worlds through the channel of social communication .. Here of mixed humanity of mankind .. There was love between the layers of society .. Bringing the thread is not linked to a channel of impact, but he became in itself .. Undoubtedly have to be cut off the thread so that we are as we were in the Stone Age, the above is not the love of freedom is not inhumane .. And say that we make a judgment of the Court eternal .. Court sentenced the accused to his presence, Facebook and Twitter to life imprisonment with work and hygiene linked to two different worlds ..! The case ended and close the file and cut the thread .. Facebook and Twitter Kuna fine until we find other alternative ..!!

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The most important television media

Flags accompanied the phenomenon of man since the beginning of creation, evolution and the evolution of human societies and their needs and the ways in which he was able to invent his march through even become a way to deal with communities, governments and then businesses, groups and individuals to be at hand. After the enormous development that has happened and that opened the ports, many overlooking the rights of the types of science and knowledge relates to the north and east of the alienated Bjnoppe to become the world's great small village. To be the most important device is the TV between those inventions and discoveries because of its features have made any house can not do without him if they dispensed with other devices. To occupy center stage in the list of furnishings and the need for family homes. And took care of the human by placing it in a privileged to be the focus of attention for its content of features emphasizes the friendship and intimacy between him and the family or any human gathering. To be a means or to provide the world between the corners. Viewing events for a moment as they arise and sound, and becomes a major tributary of the flags and knowledge which is also a significant risk can be riven society more than an atomic bomb as it has a magic effect in changing a lot of masks and the heart of the beliefs and distort the cultures to what can be provided by the anti-society throughmaterials are made well and thoughtful mimic the mind and the human soul and went for ages, cultures and slopes environmentalism required to influence them, and vice versa, but this began to countries and institutions accelerated in the monitoring of funds and the creation of qualified personnel and sophisticated equipment and effective recruited to perform its role in the injection community Prophylactic doses of hand, and fed foodhealth that keeps the mask Te and orientations, and adhere to it.

Spread across schools, institutes and colleges that teach science flags, art, and the keenness of the officials to invest students Elite are imprisoned in the sessions and send them to the most famous schools and send teachers also to stand up on the latest technical developments, technical, professional, and reached the schools in the ways and methods of work the media and television in particular, in order to keep pace with the rapid development which occurs in the world which can not be any society that fails him.Retardation because this will leave a negative impact on the cultural life of the community and then what follows the policy of economy and so on. This device has become a close friend of the man for his great services while lying on the bed in front of the screen without any trouble. Vijtsr his distance and time and effort and is an important tributary of the tributaries of the culture of all classes of society. And a boarding school in all specialties and a teacher worthy of the attention and respect. So there really needs to these communities pay attention to this teacher and Tha his reasons for the success of his mission to lead his message properly to give precedence in the financial allocations and the opening of multiple channels to provide art forms varied and different specialties Kalobaria, sports, cultural, scientific and diverse to be moreeffective and more widespread. this device magic should lead his or her duties and that the present form of the most common form of program impact and the closest to the viewer a television drama. Because television can provide article for millions of viewers at the same time, these millions are like a single block or a single row listening to the lesson without restrictions and censorship. For these and other property managed
TV that absorbs the audience of theater and cinema, as covered on other media. And won the attention of
The public and held the bonds of a strong relationship with him because he gives them everything they need without any effort to do is sit back and watch. And became more receptive to meet the needs of people and fill their free time. Stations as well as a break and enjoy a good haven and even to expel boredom and relieve boredom. Except as mentioned above. And if the TV will meet with the cinema in that it presents the picture to the sound through the screen meets the public held offshore is different in that the cinema audience goes to a special hall for viewing and restricted viewing and participation Palmtoagdan in this room, while comes the movie and the program to the public on television are in their homesshared a lot of viewers from other parts of the globe depending on the environment, culture and trends. And the viewer can be a party to the preparation of the program and submit it when it is broadcast live and there is an open telephone line to enter into direct dialogue or the viewer to participate by letter or phone in quiz shows, for example. And Bmcn that converges cinema audience age or culture where the film brings them together, but the designated co-view television all of the slides and categories. Hence, we say go back to exploiting the properties of this TV is a useful advantage of a smart material that provide the public and which are more effective and attractive to him. And through it can not give the required dose for the prevention and to increase awareness and address the violation of his views and aspirations. Because these dramas are much closer and more responsive to the public, which goes out to watch and follow-up and even interact with them and the allocation of time in order not to miss the opportunity that watch and enjoy. To become drama is Mrs. beloved by the viewer waits to meet with them. This must be harnessed governments, organizations and bodies of this type of interest and seeks to Thaoh cadres and make efforts to produce dramas for the service and service purposes. The delivery of the text of a TV requires a high skill and a thorough knowledge and informed a lot of information to the subsequent building work visually impressive when preparing his supplies needed. And it must also know the language of this art is used artist's range of technical means and methods of introduction of the expression of ideas and values ​​to be put forward and develop theSocial psychologists have characterized the two types of viewers:
Who seek to escape in order to avoid tension or emotional personal and social, who are asking to expand the small screen of touch with reality. And you should know when? And where to watch TV? This varies from community to community and by working hours for example, or by climate or from person to person depending on his circumstances and his psychological state, cultural or health. On the other hand, the objectives of the offer is to modify the behavior of the family through the human experience even from other communities to influence the behaviors T. and contributes to to expand their horizon and informing them, for the planned taking into account all the factors that build that community and do not forget interest in children and young people, with the new priority for planning program in the selection of what is produced outside the boundaries of this community and that the selection is intelligent subject to extensive studies by experts in the world of the child of educators and psychologists, educators and through questionnaires and surveys, and this applies to programs produced internally (local), which must be compatible with the nature of the direction the public education of the community in ways interesting and attractive for the dissemination of values ​​and to preserve the unity of the community educationally and fortify this generation of social ills, psychological and cultural under the supervision of careful and scientific. In the percentage of broadcast hours and times of broadcast of these programs.
Here is a must to understand the components of the TV so we know this image and this sound How to reach us over the air and how much effort and personnel and equipment contribute to the delivery to our homes that we know that the program starts with the word (text) to pass through the staff and equipment.
Studio: is the material base that contains the hardware and equipment of which is a complex of cameras
Microphone and control devices and control devices, including light-What is the room for decoration and make-up, monitoring and broadcasting, directing, and editing and editing rooms, including exercises and rest and stores for decor, accessories and clothing

To know how many working people who stand behind the completion of the program and submit it to us except those who contribute to the strengthening and direct broadcast services and the efforts that are creating and facilitating this important difference.Including what will be under the circumstances
Difficult and sometimes dangerous messages such as images of war and the transfer of disaster areas and in hot and dangerous.
Therefore, the worker in this field must have the qualities shown by the additional workers in the fields and professions
Other. And must be a factor in the provision of the drama and courage more patient and tolerant until after the submission of work where the views and critics that it is more attached to him in his society participants and Srah Dharaúh. Looking forward to their aspirations, fair in its provisions and its arguments, and away from the factional tendencies and Alastalaúah tendentiousness, does not imply any address that is not under the title, a great community, to be honest and trustworthy and earn the confidence of the viewer to be more influential. In order to give his fruit and achieve its goals

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CEO Kaz Hirai of Sony reveals a new strategy and yes, the demobilization of 10,000 employees

Revealed Kaz Hirai, CEO of Sony plan Sony New This also includesthe demobilization of 10,000 employees, which was several days before rumor and forgotten the financial loss gross incurred by the company U.S. $ 6.4 billion. The new strategic plan, which called the"One Sony" which will focus now on digital cameras, games, mobileor portable devices and reduce costs and raise profits and of courseshe left the world of television to the category of business, but willfocus on OLED and Crystal LED, will focus the company is also in the medical field, and also to cameras, monitors that support 4K and focus on the global markets in particular markets of the Third Worldand more directed to source. [Sony]

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Samsung offer cloud computing solutions for businesses in the VMware forum

سامسونج تعرض حلول الحوسبة السحابية لقطاع الأعمال في منتدى VMware
Exhibits screens SyncMaster Cloud and Tablet PCs and notebooksinShareAnnounced that Samsung Electronics, for it will showcase the latest range of its cloud computing solutions-oriented business sector in the VMware Forum 2012, which will be held at Jumeirah Beach Hotel (Jumeirah Beach) on April 11, 2012.
During the event, Samsung will showcase technologies and solutions converged digitally-oriented companies, which can be applied in any organization has the structure of IT-based cloud computing.
The products offered will include the latest set of screens for Samsung SyncMaster Cloud Basaddaraaha Zero Client and Thin Client, in addition to mobile devices and notebooks.
Commenting on the post Samsung Forum VMware in 2012, said Karan Chopra, head of solutions display screens in a range of institutions at Samsung Gulf Electronics, to build regional companies for the technology of cloud computing began increasing to enhance business efficiency and achieve the best results. The system of cloud computing allows organizations to ensure that no data loss and to avoid any risk to customers.
As a gold sponsor of the Forum on VMware in 2012, Samsung will showcase its solutions based on cloud computing, in addition to its range of projection screens are compatible with cloud computing and smart phones, devices and Tablet PCs Tablet "Slate" and notebooks. Solutions can be applied effectively in the Samsung range of sectors, including hospitals, educational institutions, hotels and financial institutions.
During the Forum, Samsung will showcase the overall composition of the screens, including screens and category NC NS and TC and TS, which is working to strengthen data security and reduce maintenance costs and improve productivity and enhance communication. The solutions can mobile devices from Samsung, which include "Galaxy S 2" and "Galaxy Knott" and "Galaxy Tab 10.1", improve internal and external communication of the companies during the movement of its staff.
In order to improve productivity, companies can adopt a set of notebook Samsung solid and strong Alade, which include the latest from its notebooks "Slate" of Class 7 and Class 9 and Class 7 CHRONOS.

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