Pornographic sites is the first taste most commonly used by hackers

When Tdhb of the catch must be to be available to taste, the latter which varies the diversity of the fish you want to caught, Flaém quality bait to be presented to the fish, as far as Maém quantity of fish that will fall victim to the right choice for the taste, so hackers they are looking for cheaper means by which they can to sign a large number of browsers. Perhaps the cheapest and most victims are brought to the citizenship sites, they attract all age groups and social as well, for this Most hackers are targeting these sites Awiamlon to create their own sites
Will benefit the hacker in the make money by adding some banners advertising sexual cover the expenses of hosting and domain name the site, and penetration of visitors by putting some codes Gaa malignant and make the visitor in a certain way will activate it, but as well as add some of counterfeit software and the selection has some of the titles distinctive as a increase the duration of the video program or talk to the bar ... Etc. which makes the striker catch in each new day hundreds of victimsCredit Btaúgahm take away or use them to launch further attacks on other users through the transfer of Trojan or worm from their computer to other computers, or through instant Mahadtat and social networks, making it the hacker has an empire in the virtual world inhabitants are loyal victims.

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