Handsome William Levy .. From poor to destitute sexy star, this is the amazing journey .......!!

 No doubt that the participation of Cuban handsome actor and TV series King William Levy in the program
"Dancing with the Stars" caused a sensation and increased his popularity and especially in the United States
Where he appeared this week in full and accompanied by attractive Samth and charming smile that capture the hearts
On the cover of one of the most important technical journals in the United States and the world, magazine "People".
Occur and handsome in this special issue of the magazine great pleasure to accept the fortune of the party
The public in the United States and Mexico and other Latin countries and the world.
He also spoke about his journey and the beginning of his career and his childhood "hard", which he spent in Cuba before his country to think
Migration at a later time to the United States, where his life changed, and how a shift from a poor young man destitute
Star to talk about it all.
And for his sons Christopher (six years) and Kailey (two years) the result of its relationship with the Mexican actress
Elizabeth Gutiérrez, said he was trying to give them everything, love is in addition to material things
And all the amenities that were lacking in their presence in his childhood.
And had the magazine "People" that William Levy is the most attractive men and raise
Currently at the level of television.
~ ~ ~ ~
Handsome on the cover of "People" magazine edition of the U.S. this week"William Levy of the destitute poor to the exciting star, this is the amazing journey":

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