Turn off the computer and run it several times a day you will damage your computer

In the business, in fact, regardless of the consumption of electricity in the case of leaving the computer in the business. It is safe for the computer from falling into the technical failure, due to the expansion of the components of the computer when working because of the factor of heat and contraction again because of the factor cold, in the case off the computer and run it several times a day, the piece is causing the Dhour cracks too small to not see with the naked eye in segments of the computer, causing the latter to crash for no reason. Talk is not out of the blue we all know very well that the hardware expands due to heat and shrink because of the cold rock example. And also because of the split factor, let alone the same components Microcomputer veryTherefore, the computer off and run at frequent intervals for a day is not a good thing for your computer, yes, here we can ask the question Why are some computers for years and Ataatatl quickly?The answer simply is the quality of ingredients used in your computer in addition to the technology used, is the point in distinguishing between the brands present in the computer market for example, find a computer with Sony AED 6000 and the same settings are located in this computer, find it in another computer but that the latter priced at AED 5000The difference is much greater because of the price of Sony, for example the quality of the components of her computer can Alasthmal contrast to another computer from another company can in some cases to use not to exceed two.

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