Security risks Of the QR and how to avoid them

Perhaps the popularity of Atshaddam Alkio R code in the Western world in particular continues to grow it easier for people to learn more about the product and find out much information about it, simply P Alkio Arcod is a new generation of bar code, it is sufficient that the user is available on a smartphone and a program of work of the Survey of Q-R On order to be able to extract information about where the production of the product, price of the real place of its production date of the expiration of his powers .... Etc..
Here things are all very ordinary and spin at best, but with the increased use of this topic technical Valhakrz also can you create posters of the QR code containing links to malicious programs based Belsagaha in products found in any supermarket and you see a high demand it, the goal of this topic posters is a breakthrough smartphone and access to sensitive data, as we know with increasing the scope of the use of a smartphone (iPhone, Alandroed, Windows iPhone ...) uses the phone moved from the traditional use of answering calls and sending messages to surfing the Internet and through the purchase sites ... Etc., which makes the goal of a hacker to penetrate the smartphone is access to the data sensitive, only after the victim takes a picture of the QR code, where it may be Tugeah to the site of a malignant or injected directly into php to malignant cell phone, which would make him inevitably into the hands of a hacker, for this by the state must pick up a picture of the QR code to make sure that the label is a function of the product and any product Aotafr more than R Alkio On one ignored

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